The first secret is to go get yourself a prepaid credit card and use it. Pay the $9.95 that you have to pay each month in order to have it reported to your credit. This will be a positive account on your credit and that is necessary in order to help repair your credit. This will help tremendously.
The second secret is to get all your credit reports and put your delinquent debts in the right order. Your debts need to go from smallest to largest because it does not matter how large they are, but it matters how many you have. With that said you can probably figure out that if you pay off the smaller ones, then your credit will get better, and you would be right. Start with the smallest and pay it off until you get up to the largest.
This will do wonders for your credit over a few months or years, depending on how fast you can pay off some of the smaller things. You will be amazed at how fast your credit score will improve.
The third secret is to stop having people pull your credit. Inquires on your credit hurt your score. They only stay there for 90 days, but they will damage your credit score and that is not what we are after. When you are dealing with credit rating repair you have to understand that it will not help to have anybody pull your credit. Only have it pulled once every 3 months or so to see the progress and to avoid having tons of inquires on your report