Steps To Making Your Will
1. The first thing you need to do when making a will is to meet with an estate planning attorney. They will be able to determine whether you will need to create a living trust or just a simple, easy to read will. It is possible for you to create your own will at home - but without a lawyer angry family members will have an easier time trying to consent it and turn things their way. A lawyer will be able to fight them off and make sure to uphold the will more firmly.
2. If you still decide to make your own then you can find special software. This software will give you the information you need to make living trusts, financial powers of attorneys, and health care directives. If you need professional at all during the making of any of these it will inform you.
3. Before you sit down and type out your will organize everything that you have and determine who will get it when something happens to you. Outline all of your objectives, make an inventory of everything that you have, estimate how much you owe in debts, and make a list of the family members or other beneficiaries. Make sure that you make clear how everyone is related to you.
4. If you have children that you will leave behind when you die then you need to think long and hard about who you want them to go to. Obviously if there is a parent left behind they will keep them - but if something were to happen to both parents you need to name a guardian who will take care of them. This guardian must be at least 18 years old.
5. Name someone your executor. Their duty as an executor will be to see that all of your belongings are distributed as you have chosen in your will. If you do not have anyone you want to use then you can always hire a trust company as your executor.
6. Make sure that you update your will when things change. Usually you will update it when you get married, have children, or when you move to another state. When the new one is complete destroy the old one so that it does not confuse people.