The grace period is the number of days you have to pay your bill in full without triggering a finance charge.
For example, the credit card company may say that you have “25 days from the statement date, provided you paid your previous balance in full by the due date.” The statement date is given on the bill.
The grace period usually applies only to new purchases.
Most credit cards do not give a grace period for cash advances and balance transfers. Instead, interest charges start right away.
If you carried over any part of your balance from the preceding month, you may not have a grace period for new purchases.
Instead, you may be charged interest as soon as you make a purchase (in addition to being charged interest on the earlier balance you have not paid off).
Look on the credit card application for information about the “method of computing the balance for purchases” to see if new purchases are included or excluded.
Information on methods of computing the balance is in the section “How is the finance charge calculated?”
These are just some of the considerations you will have to be aware of when choosing a credit card.
The bottom line is that you should always read the small print and think about what it is you are agreeing to and whether or not this is what you need.