Revealed... The Secrets To Setting Appointments With '9 Out Of 10' Attendees At Your Seminars!

One of the biggest problems many agents, advisors and planners have is setting appointments at their dinner seminars and free educational workshops. Agents are always complaining that they are only able to set appointments with 10% - 30% of the attendees at their events. They'll tell us that most of the prospects don't have their appointment schedule with them, so the can't set an appointment, or they just came for the meal, or they already have an advisor and just wanted to see if there was something new, or they just don't have any money. And, then they'll tell us that out of the few people who do set appointments, over half of them end up canceling, or they just don't show up for their appointments.

Are you having the same problems?

Recognize that the vast majority of the people who attend your seminars and workshops are dissatisfied with their current financial situation and/or advisor! They came to your event because they are looking for real help, from someone they feel they can trust. The reason most agents, advisors and planners are having trouble setting appointments at their events, is they are not connecting with the attendees. And, if there is no connection, people will tell you to your face how great your presentation was, and then they'll make up any excuse not to meet with you.

Believe it or not there are simple ways to immediately fix these problems. Here is what a few agents have said about the secrets we've shared with them....

"Following the advice of your competitors, for my first seminar I spent Rs 16,000 and made Rs 22,000. The second seminar I spent Rs 6,000 and made Rs 13000. Then a few weeks ago I found you. For my third seminar I spent Rs 2800, and so far I've made Rs.55,000. I'll give you credit for 90% of the success I've had with this seminar. I just followed the advice in your system, for my seminar, the initial interview and the closing appointment and I'm making serious money. In just one month I've made over half of what I made in previous years. I'm certainly glad I found you. Thanks," Peter Orange - WA (former commodities broker, and new to annuity sales)

"Lew, I just completed my first seminar using the strategic questions we discussed during our first coaching session. The results were remarkable. At the seminar I had a 90% response on people who have agreed to the one hour complimentary meeting. And, I just had my first appointment and uncovered in excess of $150,000 for an annuity sale. The system works and many thanks for your help." Steve Rogers - OK

"Over the last two weeks I have been holding seminars. Appointment results from the first in my series were lower than normal in the past at just 25% ( I normally will get 40% to 60%). After speaking with you and implementing some of your tips, my results exploded to 90% for the next and 75% for the 3rd seminar! I am amazed that using the same presentation and only asking a few simple questions could transform my appointment request ratio so much. I can't wait to get out and try these strategies on the appointments. Thanks for your help!"
David Hodgkins - NH
There are five critical secrets to setting appointments right at your seminar or educational workshop! By applying these simple techniques you can easily set appointments with 90% of your attendees, and they'll keep their appointments with you!!!

1. First and foremost you must be inviting the right people! Running ads in the local newspaper, or sending out postcards to everyone who is 55 or older, only guarantees you'll fill your seats. The problem is you will generally fill those seats with many of the wrong people. If you want to have the right prospects attend your event, then you must send your invitations to the people who actually need your help, and the people you have the best chance of selling. Your best prospects are generally going to be middle income families... Not affluent people who already have an advisor and don't really need your help. If you are selling annuities you'll want to invite people who are already retired, or are about to retire. (60 to 80 years of age) If you're selling life insurance using the Missed Fortune, College Funding or some other sales concept, you'll want to invite people age 30 to 50, married, with children and own a home. These are the people who already have a need for life insurance, which will make it easier for them to buy into using life insurance as a savings tool.

2. You must make every effort to make an emotional, personal connection with your attendees prior to and during your seminar or workshop! People want to work with people they know and trust. You, or someone in your office, should be calling them to confirm their attendance and then call them two days prior to the event to remind them of the seminar or workshop. You'll want to personally meet and greet everyone as the come in for your event. During your presentation you should make eye contact with everyone, one person at a time. You'll want to make each person feel as if you are having a personal conversation with them sometime during your presentation. Then you'll want to visit with each of them after your presentation, while they are eating, to thank them for coming, ask them if they liked the presentation and see if they have any questions.

3. You must help the attendees to see and understand the financial problems they are facing today and how your information relates to their situation! (it's not about your products, investment returns, credentials, knowledge or being a great speaker) If the prospect does not see and understand they have a problem and how you can help, then why would or should they take the time to meet with you? You must ask rhetorical questions during your presentation. Ask questions that will get the prospect to think about how what you are talking about relates to their situation. You are not looking for anyone to answer these questions. You just ask a question and then pause to let the question sink in.

4. You must speak at a sixth grade level, then even the college professors will understand you. If you use technical jargon, or use big words trying to impress people, you run the risk of making them feel inferior and/or confusing them... in either case they won't set an appointment with you. Or, if they do set an appointment they'll cancel, or just not show up!

5. You must never ask for an appointment. You must give them an opportunity to meet with you. If you ask, or push for an appointment you are a salesperson. If you give them an opportunity to meet with you, you're an advisor. There is only a subtle difference between the two, but a big difference in the number of appointments you'll set. "Is it worth 40 minutes of you time to see if...."


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