Would you agree that Seeing Prospects and Making Sales is where an agent makes 80% of their money? Let's put it another way. If an agent doesn't make sales, how long could they stay in business? Can we agree then, that seeing prospects and making sales, is the most important part of your business?
Would you also agree that you aren't being paid to do paperwork, handle problems, answer the phone, type letters and the many other things that you do? I agree that many of the things you do, have to be done.
But, the question is, by who?
You Will Never Make A Six Figure Income, Doing $6 Per Hour Job.
How many hours do you actually spend seeing prospects and clients in your average work day? Are you spending most of your day doing the activities that contribute little or nothing to the achievement of your goals? In other words, are you doing the 80% activities that generate only 20% of your income, instead of doing the 20% activities that generate 80% of your income?
It's time to turn this situation around, and set up your agency so it allows you to do your highest-payoff activities for most of your day. You need to work ON your business, seeing prospects and clients and figuring out ways to grow your business. And then delegate ALL of your low-payoff activities to your staff.
Otherwise, you'll have to keep on working long hours to make only an average income.*
*If you don't have a staff, get one. You can hire a high school student part time at minimum wage. Early in my career I did it and I more than doubled my income in a very short time. Plus, I had a lot more time to spend with my family.